Monday, January 22, 2007

Eagle awards online

The leading British comics awards, the Eagles, are now online - unlike most other awards though readers get to vote for the various categories in the online nominations, including (should you wish to) best comics related website where you could pick out a number of sites and blogs who support UK (and other) comics and artists like Bugpowder, Down the Tubes or perhaps even a certain bandana-clad Forbidden Planet International Blog :-) Not that I am trying to put ideas in anyone's head...

1 comment:

  1. I think all British comics should get a reward as a Brit now living in the Philippines I miss all are comics the best in the world. The few times when there are British comics on TV here I sit there falling of my chair with all the Filipino’s giving me strange looks but I have converted them and they sit there laughing as much as me now.
