Saturday, September 2, 2006

Some awards

I posted on some awards in the last few days over on the FPI blog. First off one of my favourite writers and a damned decent bloke, Ken MacLeod picked up his third Prometheus Award for his last novel, Learning the World. If you haven't read Ken before this is a standalone novel and a good spot to dip your toes into and with one of the central characters being a blogger it may have more resonance for our online community. On the classic fiction front the Prometheus (which is given for libertarian fiction) added David Lloyd and Alan Moore's V For Vendetta to the Hall of Fame while for the first time ever they gave an award to a film director/writer in the shape of the god-like Joss Whedon for Serenity for its portrayal of "resistance fighters struggling against oppressive collectivism."

This comes on the heels of Serenity winning a prestigious Hugo award at the Worldcon for Best Dramatic Presentation Longform (or movies as they are more often called). And at the same Worldcon in California the Hugo for Best Dramatic Presentation Shortform (usually TV) was not won by one of the big-budget US shows but by Blighty's own little Doctor Who. A great result for the new show and also proof positive that the show appeals to far more than the traditional British audience. It pleased most of the fans of the old show, it pleased younger viewers new to the series and now it is conquering the world. Nice.

1 comment:

  1. I've just chosen Learning the World as the November book for our SF Reading Group. Thanks for the recommendation!
