Saturday, August 5, 2006

Shock news - Bush is stupid!

The general gist of this article from Raw Story via a former US ambassador (what is this with me posting about ambassadors today???) about the sheer ignorance of Dubyah and his cabinet will not surprise many as few people, even those better disposed to him than I, consider him to be much of an intellectual. However it does underline that utter disregard Bush and his cronies have for doing any preparation or research (or having someone to do it for them then summarise it in simple Pfuffin picture book format for him to read) before committing to long-term courses of action. Ignorance really is deadly (although unfortunately in this case only to many Iraqis and many US, UK and other service personnel, not to the idiot who made the ill-informed decision in between golf and flipping burgers). (via Anthony - the Shooting War writer - at his GNN blog).


  1. Strangely, I thought there were three sects in Islam, or have the Ismailis self destructed? Seems even well informed Americans aren't that well informed.

  2. Hahaha! I'm sure there are probably smaller sects within sects as with other major religions. I thought the major distinction between the two main sects was that one said the Prophet preferred smooth peanut butter and the others crunchy. Nah, can't be that, must be something much more sensible, eh?
