Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Penultimate Shooting War

Artist Dan Goldman dropped me a line at work to say the penultimate (tenth) chapter of the excellent Shooting War webcomic is now up (with naughty sex scenes which Dan was happy to get into and also a cameo from a venerable US reporter). Set a few years in the future and following a video blogger turned journalist for an unscrupulous global media empire in Iraq I've found Anthony and Dan's work to be powerful and excellent. Dan sometimes uses real Baghdad street photographs as backgrounds for the art while Anthony's background as a journalist who has actually been out there covering events in Iraq adds some authenticity to the narrative. And they boys told me a few days back that they have now secured a deal for a physical print edition due around autumn of 2007.

The online version on Smithmag will account for about a third of the print version as they are now free to rework and expand the story, setting and characters and I can't wait to see what they do with it. I've been recommending Shooting War to everyone and I am so chuffed for the guys that they go this deal - always nice to see good work getting a deal and I'm looking forward to listing it on the FPI site when it comes out. Meantime the second to last episode of the web version awaits and if you haven't been following it, the previous episodes are still up and I really do recommend them. You can also find out more in this piece the writer Anthony posted for the FPI blog.


  1. I've been eagerly following this since you pointed me at it a few weeks ago, it's great that they got a book deal, I'm sure you'll let us know when it's available to buy.

    I'm actually also kind of disappointed that the on-line version is stopping.

    What happened with the The Tarsus Manifesto, that seems to have dried up but there is no mention of him getting a book deal? is there?

  2. I don't think the online version ending has anything to do with the recent deal, it was pretty much planned to go this way. The good news is that the print version should have about 2/3 new material expanding on the more basic space allowed on a webcomic format - Anthony and Dan told me the date isn't set but the publisher reckons probably a summer or autumn 2007 release.
