Monday, August 7, 2006

Free Josh Wolf

We've all read about blogging reporters and journalists in repressive regimes like China and Iran being imprisoned and worse for speaking out on their blogs. Well it appears our much-vaunted Western democracies are no better - not happy at bullying employers trying to control what folks blog and do in their own time the American government has stepped in an imprisoned a blogger. Josh Wolf refused on principle to hand over footage demanded by the Gestapo... Sorry, Federal authorities of trouble at a G8 protest he covered in San Francisco so he has been imprisoned. Thus perish all enemies of the regime... We must maintain respect for authority (best said in a Cartman voice)... We must maintain discipline in the citizenry... We must all obey orders...

Personally, crude though the wording may be, I prefer Rage Against the Machine's retort "fuck you, I won't do what you tell me" - especially when you keep trying to take bites out our freedoms. Funny how police authorities love using video technology to film the public, protestors and others but aren't so keen on it being in the hands of others (can you say Rodney King, boys and girls?). These numpties forget how linked the world is today. Josh's blog can be found here. The revolution will be televised. Then webhosted around the world. Spread the word.

1 comment:

  1. That just blows me away...that he is in prison over this. I'm outraged!
