Tuesday, February 14, 2006

One Year On

Today marks my first full year at Forbidden Planet International. Wow, hard to believe. Got a rhythm going for the regular stuff now and plenty of new angles to explore as well, so it is still fresh and enjoyable, a good balance.


  1. Happy Anniversary Joe! So very happy that you finally found a place that appreciates your many fine talents...interesting the twists that life throws our way!

  2. Many congratulations, well deserved. No smooches - a hearty handshake instead.

  3. Hey Joe

    Ha ha, I celebrate my one year anniversary on Monday (Feb 20) of working at my new job after being sacked for blogging too.

    Similarly to you, I was also lucky enough to (eventually) find employment in a better, more enjoyable environment, mine being at a recording studio (music being a passion as great to me as SF and graphic novels are to you I would imagine).

    Indeed, blogging ultimately was/is a good thing (ha ha)
