Monday, October 18, 2004

The naming of Joes is a difficult matter...

It isn't just one of your holiday games...each Joe has three names and the third he never will tell...

Actually I found a couple of mentions on Google of an old Swedish chum from college, Caroline, who I haven't seen in yonks. Then I stuck in some other names for the hell of it, finally putting in my own name. Lots of hits, some mine, most not. Some personal sites by folk who are in the International Brotherhood of Joe Gordons, links to the Woolamaloo and to a number of my book and film reviews. Links also to the folk singer, who I've heard about many times and been asked rather often if I am related (nope, except obviously he's a fellow clansman). I also found hits for another musician - this was one I didn't know, and old-time Jazz man called Joe Gordon. Never come across him before and now I'm going to have to look for an album sometime (love some good Jazz and Blues). Joe Gordon was the boss of Clark Gable's character in the classic It Happened One Night. And apparently there was a famous baseball player with the name. I wonder if any of them share a birthday with Bonnie Prince Charlie like me? (yes I know, I look good for my centuries - the secret is to moisturise people).


  1. Moisturizer? And here I thought it was the blood of virgins....

  2. Moisturizer? And here I thought it was the blood of virgins....
