Monday, October 25, 2004


On the way home from drinking at the weekend I thought I smelt the distinctive aroma of woodsmoke. So what, you may ask? Well, woodsmoke is a trifle unusual in the middle of the city, that's what. A few minutes later as the bus took me home I saw a fiery glow in West Prines Street Gardens and found the smoke I thought I smelt was actually the gazebo in the Gardens, right in front of the Castle. Some hooligans had flamed it - it wasn't just afire, it was a total inferno - you could actually see the pillars of the surrounding portico outlined in flame, as if the whole structure was composed of fire. Quite what these thugs get out of doing this sort of thing is beyond me. Alas, the bus didn't stop long enough for me to whip out the trust camera and besides, I was, as they say in the Fast Show, very, very drunk at the time...


  1. Joe...

    why on Earth do you have 2 similar posts?

  2. did you not read the very first line?
    "On the way home from drinking...." *smirk*
    What better what to start a post and a weekend!

  3. Lili got it in one - I was still a little tipsy after a night at the gentlemen's club discussing politics and philosophy over a glass of port... Okay, getting slabbered in the pub...
