Wednesday, December 21, 2005


You may recall that a few weeks ago I recorded an interview for CNN for a programme on the freedom of expression online. I haven't actually heard from them since then as to when the programme was going out, but this morning my chum George got in touch to send me this link to CNN's page, where, lo and behold, there is an article based on some of the interviews in the programme, including myself. I do hope this doesn't mean I've missed the programme!

My friend Cheryl, on reading this, sent me a link to an interesting related item where Brian Turner is facing a possible court case by a nasty company who want to sue his company and him personally over comments by disappointed customers of that company on his discussion forum. Nothing derogatory, just complaints from unsatisfied customers - however this company seems to think that customers are allowed to make comments and anyone who allows them should be bullied (and let's face it, that's what this is - bullying people and abusing their freedom of expression). Good luck to you, Brian, but a shame you need to go through this. As I said on the CNN interview, one of the biggest threats to our freedom of expression online today isn't from governmental interference but from corporations. Corporations that haven't realised that this kind of action backfires on them because it will line them up for ridicule and criticism online and that isn't going to help you get new customers.

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