Monday, November 14, 2005


I had an email from Ian Hocking at work today - Ian's debut novel from a small press, Deja Vu, was one of the first books featured on the FPI blog. Inspired by the likes of Charlie Stross and Cory Doctorow's use of creative commons licensing (which Cory and others have covered a lot on Boingboing) he has created a spoken word version of his cyberthriller and is making it available free in weekly segments. I had a listen to chapter one while working away on the graphic novel site htis afternoon and recommend it - details of it and a link to an interview with Ian over on the FPI blog.

Freedom of expression

A slightly unusual evening for me after work as I detoured to the posh environs of the Balmoral (right across from my former workplace) to record an interview about the freedom of speech (or sometimes lack thereof) on the web for CNN. A fun and interesting experience (most of my media interviews have been for radio or newspapers or online, rarely TV, which is fine since I think I have the right body for radio) - the crew have some other segments to record around the UK and I will post up the broadcast schedule once I know them.

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