Wednesday, August 1, 2007


The BBC has a short but excellent slideshow with audio celebrating the work of AP, Associated Press's photographers, focusing on those who have recorded combat areas. There are some remarkable shots on offer and no less than two Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalists sharing their insights. Even in a time of 24 hour rolling satellite news the power of a well composed single image like these is quite amazingly powerful, a single moment of time, frozen, captured; our brains see more detail, create meaning around the still image in a way that we simply don't with video news footage.

1 comment:

  1. this guy is sooooooo hot i cant believe that they made such a beautiful face go to war and possibly risk getting it blown off!!!!!!!
    or possibly getting killed =}
    these guys really did go through hell but i can imagine his girlfriend back home was going through hell too not being able to be with him!!!!
