Sunday, September 21, 2003

Nail 'em up! Best thing the Romans ever did for us...

Etc, etc. Crucifixion for those who don't get this Monty Python and the Life of Brian reference. Mel Gibson is attracting - indeed reportedly courting - controversy over his new religious movie about the crucifixion of Jesus. I read a few weeks ago that several Jewish groups had attacked the film as anti-semitic and accused him of bringing up the old 'the Jews killed Jesus therefore they are bad' notion, which has been the weak justification for persecution for centuries. Gibson himself is a devout Catholic - a religious movement not averse to inflicitng a little persecution itself I might add - and defends himself against the anti-semitism charge.

Not having seen the film it is hard to judge, but going by the fact that there are a lot of very powerful figures in the American movie industry who are Jewish (indeed there have been since the birth of the movies) it would be a bit silly of him to piss of those of Hebrew persuasion. Haven't seen the film, so I can't comment - but I have read disturbing reports about him pushing his religious beliefs strongly - sick bag on standby, why do these religious folks have to try and ram their beliefs down our throat? - in this movie and going as far as to shoot it with ancient Aramaic dialogue for 'realism' This from a man who gave us the wonderfully authentic Braveheart, the Patriot and Lethal Weapon - obviously a serious thespian committed to crafting realistic takes on historical of contemporary events. Sounds like a work of extreme hubris to me - gee isn't overweening pride something good Catholics are supposed to confess as a sin? This article in the NY Times has a nice, if somewhat peevish, swing at the Gibber. Me? I find all the religious enlightenment I require from watching Father Ted.

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