Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Oh, those pesky immigrants!

The chief constable of Cambridgeshire has made a very public case for lots of immigration to the area causing problems for her police force. She made special mention of foreign workers and the carrying of knives and drink driving and how they didn't meet British expectations in this regard. Hmmm, judging by the crime stats for actual citizens if immigrants are drink driving and carrying blade weapons then they are doing their best to blend into the British modern way of life... Seriously though, she may have some points (translation costs and time being an obvious one) but the way she presented this to the eager media made it like some bloody Daily Mail rant about 'damned foreigners'. Isn't this something she should be discussing with relevant authorities and not making press conferences about, especially given the continual xenophobia we have in our tabloid press and the general move to blame everything on immigrants.

I always find it funny when British people talk about immigrants, since we spent the previous two centuries taking over a full quarter of the world and running the biggest Empire in history, settling ourselves wherever we damned well pleased. And we're not the best at blending in when we go abroad today, are we? Most Brits don't even learn how to say so much as 'please' and 'thank you' in the local language when they go abroad, but we are good at shouting loudly in English to make ourselves more understood... Really, considering our history we have no real grounds to go on about other people coming over as immigrants...

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