'Tis International Talk Like a Pirate Day, a day given over to lubbers to shiver their timbers, waggle their cutlasses and drink cheap rum while swooning some comely Caribbean wenches, yar. Mind you, with the old bandana and earing most days people assume I am a pirate anyway (especially when combined with the old pirate shirts) so it isn't that big a day for me :-) Certainly my mate's wee boys are convinced I'm a pirate and I don't like to disappoint the kids. Besides they will only be gullible enough for this for a short span of their lives so I want to make the most of it before they grow out of it and I am no longer cool Pirate Uncle Joe of the Quantum Pig's Revenge. And in honours of International Talk Like a Pirate Day here's a suitable LOLcat:
However in the interests of accuracy I should once more point out that I am more of a buccaneer than a pirate. There isn't that big a difference, it's just that buccaneers are cooler and we swashbuckle better. And I do like to give my buckle a damned good swashing; I blame those Dougie Fairbanks and Errol Flynn movies...
Arr, that be the best lolcat I has evr seen :) Iz in ur pirate ship eatin ur suppliez...
ReplyDeleteYou buckle the swash, me hearty, not v.versa (sigh)
ReplyDeleteWhere's me buccaneers?
Round me buccin' 'ead, har-har!