Bargain of the week - picked up Donnie Darko on DVD for a mere 5 quid from the wonderful FOPP and Garbage’s Beautiful enhanced CD for a paltry3 quid. Total find (although I suspect this means a decent double DVD version is coming soon, since this one has bugger all extras, not even so much as subtitles) and as I’ve been holed up inside the flat with a stinking cold for the last two days they were quite timely (although trying to dance to Garbage by the light of your lava lamp with a runny nose and multiple sneezing attacks (me, not the lamp) is not something I recommend; certainly caused the cats to give me some odd looks). Oddly enough this week I was given a Frank pin by one of my colleagues who found one. She didn’t actually know who Frank was but just thought, hmmm, a badge with a bunny rabbit with a skull face, that would appeal to Joe…
Donnie (in this very scene pictured): “Why do you wear that stupid bunny suit?”
Frank: “Why do you wear that stupid man suit?”
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