Classic Doctor Who figures
William Hartnell and Patrick Troughton figures from the new classic Doctor Who range - I so want these, especially the Troughton one, I've always had a soft spot for the second Doctor going right back to when I was a kid and reading the old Target novelisations (the only way to get the older stories in pre video and DVD days)
Though I wasn't even alive when the Troughton adventures were being broadcast, whenever I've seen him on repeats I've always been impressed with him: it's this childish, impish quality he has, despite clearly being an older man, along with that air of unpredictable otherness which I think makes for a great Doctor rather than a good one (I include Tom Baker and Christopher Ecclestone in this list). Baker was almost frightening to me as a child because it never seemed to me you were sure which way he was going to jump, or even if he really, deep down, cared about the humans he was helping. It was as if his mind was always somewhere else (which, being Tom "hatstand" Baker, it probably was).
ReplyDelete"Jablesp": when one's fingers are rattling ahead of one's head; the typing equivalent of failing to engage brain before opening mouth.