Free your mind, style monkey
I love this story on Boing Boing - a man bought an Ipod for his daughter for Christmas, but when she opened the box instead of the over-priced product there was a note, written in classic 'ransom note' style of cut-up newspaper lettering, reading: "Reclaim your mind from the media's shackles. Read a book and resurect [sic] yourself. To claim your capitalistic garbage go to your nearest Apple store." When they returned to the store it transpired others had the same experience. I think if this had happened to me I'd have rather mixed feelings - annoyed but also quite amused at the same time. Mind you it would be more appropriate for the Iphone, really, wouldn't it? Not that I dislike the product (in fact it looks quite cool), just the mercenary (and anti-competitive) way Apple screw their loyal customers (and also stupid fashion junkie monkeys) with over-inflated costs and tying them to a single service provider, which seems to me to be so anti that freedom Apple was originally supposed to be about...
In uk, the mobile phone market seems to be a success as the service providers give out subsidised handsets. So it looks odd when customers needs to pay £200 to get iPhone. Of course it is a great gadget from Apple, but definitely need price recosideration as there is no other service providers to compete them.