One single hour to go before I am no longer a thirtysomething. End of the year and end of my thirties, hello being a funky fortysomething. Thank goodness for my creamy Celtic complexion and youthful exuberance - with those most folks think I look only 39 and a bit... Nah, that's not true, it seems to surprise a lot of folks who didn't think I was that age yet, although of course they may all just be being polite, but frankly I'm taking it the positive way. Bottle of champers chilling nicely for the birthday breakfast as we speak, any excuse... Anyway, champagne for breakfast is something everyone should indulge themselves in from time to time and if you can't do it on your birthday then when the hell can you? First time I ever had champagne at breakfast was way back in the mid 1980s in a hotel in Aachen in Germany and its kind of become a birthday ritual these days and why not? Got to live a little, especially at my age :-)
Dad continues to be on the mend - he seems a bit more tired than before, but that's pretty understandable between the lethargy having to spend several days in a hospital bed can impart and the shock to the old system. He's pretty upbeat and the final scans were clear (although he will go back in sometime in the next month or two for some routine further checks to make sure) but I think it has rattled him a little more than he lets on. We had a good Christmas together, the pair of us took every excuse to sit and watch the Wallace and Gromit repeats on the BBC while my mum tutted at us about enjoy cartoons at 'our ages', although by the time they were halfway through we heard barely suppressed sniggers coming from her direction, then out and out laughs from the woman who claims animation is for kids and not funny... Mind you that's not bad going, it took us from the early video days (Betamax no less) to just a few years back to persuade her that Blazing Saddles was a comedy masterpiece (she finally gets it).
Ton of food was guzzled of course, all homemade - can't beat yer mum's cooking! My veggie main course this year was a delicious herb-stuffed pinenut roast in red wine sauce (again homemade). Mum's meringue nests, cream, fresh fruit and some ice cream from the bloody excellent Equi's (one of the best ice cream emporiums in Scotland) for dessert (although my cousins opted for the traditional Christmas pudding instead), all washed down with a bottle of Saint Joe. My mum couldn't resist buying this bottle when she saw the name on it, although I don't actually answer to that name to anyone except her and a couple of family members as I have hated my full name for as long as I can remember and prefer just Joe; anyone else using the full name will find themselves being ignored...
(Saint Joseph, the patron saint of mixing good chocolate and red wine)
As ever we all collapsed after dinner feeling as if we had swallowed a (delicious) cannonball, full, full, full... I always look forward to enjoying mum's cooking at Christmas, but getting dad home on Christmas Eve made it particularly special. I could see him through a window as I was walking up to the house and boy was that a nice sight. We're still trying to get him to take it easy, but mum and dad have been out a bit in the last few days and in fact they took me out for an early birthday treat lunch this weekend, which was good, off to the Bridge Inn at Ratho, which is a spot I first found years back when I used to cycle a lot and Brendan and I cycled out the canal towpath several miles out of Edinburgh, saw the village, the old humpbacked bridge and the canalside pub and thought we had earned a pint, found out they did food and that was it (incidentally Brendan's 40th was a couple of weeks back - the party had a loose theme of dead rock stars and one guy came as Kurt Cobain; when he turned round he had fake blood and brains on the back of his head).
The menu was a bit disappointing - the veggie options were extremely poor which was annoying as we've eaten there many times and they usually had a number of options (I once had gorgeous hot peppers stuffed with fresh cream cheese from one of the local farms, shame they don't do it anymore) so it was irritating to see a new menu that was so limited on the veggie front - most places tend to add more vegetarian options rather than reducing them. Still, I picked out a couple of simple items and enjoyed them with a decent beer from the Atlas brewery and it meant having more time to spend with the folks which is never bad.
Happy Birthday Joe and not forgetting hope you had a merry christmas and all the best for the coming new year. Glad to hear your Dad is on the mend.