I almost let April pass without realising this month marks the third anniversary of the blog version of the Woolamaloo Gazette, which took to the air in April 2003, as people were getting very worried about what would happenin Iraq now the war was 'over', bird flu was on the spread and MP George Galloway was having his name smeared by linking it with cash for oil allegations curiously at the same time he was attacking the UK and US adminstrations and their roles in deceiving us into war. Wow, what a difference three years makes!!!! The world is so very different now... Oh, wait...
Scarier is the fact that the genesis of the Woolamaloo was way back in 1991, 1992 at college, where I emailed out spoof newspaper articles on the net (no web back then, just the largely text-based net). I was still doing this years later until my mate Ariel, editor of the Alien Online, persuaded me (and helped me) to set it up as a blog. Since several friends who got the email then forwarded them to other folks I figured it was a good idea, plus the blog format meant I could write on anything and everything as the fancy took me, although I still enjoy posting the occasional spoof article. And still the irony that such a little thing would get me into so much trouble - and make even more trouble for a certain company - cost me a job and land me a better one where I run a blog as part of it still surprise to me when I think about it. Life in the real world and online is a funny old thing. Still, happy birthday to this incarnation of the Woolamaloo Gazette, the blog they couldn't hang.
I was one of the fortunate ones to get the Woolamaloo via e-mail... loved it! Happy Anniversary Joe! I know it's usually reserved for birthdays but, would you like 3 spanks?
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to you
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear woolamaloo
Happy birthday to you
Here's to another three years at least.