Thursday, August 5, 2004


I came across a new paperback at work this afternoon called Wanted Man, which was about a – at the time – famous outlaw of the Old West, Oliver Curtis Perry, who held up a train for a fortune then a few months later robbed the same train. He became a folk hero and a media celebrity (a century before Olly Stone would flirt with the idea of criminals as celebrities in America). It looks rather interesting but truth be told the thing that most impressed itself upon me was the quite magnificent name of the author: Tamsin Spargo. Isn’t that the most fabulous name???? I had to share it with you all. Gee, I can feel an E.G. Thribb bad poem coming on…

Oh Tamsin Spargo,

He rode the Wells Fargo,

Across the Wild Frontier.

He put a lid

On Billy the Kid

Then went on out for a beer.

e.g. thribb, aged 73 & ¾

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